How To Invite Inspiration

Posted by on Apr 28, 2020 in Blog

1. Music- Listening to or playing music your favorite kind of music or artists can be very inspirational. Music is so powerful that it can reprogram the the water in your body effecting it’s crystalline structure.
2. Singing- Singing activates the vagus nerve. Who cares if you are out of tune! Belt it out! Wanna shift how you are feeling? Put on your favorite album and sing along. You just may find the inspiration you seek.
3. Humming- Who loves the sound of humming? The bees! Bees create…? honey…sweetness…nectar of life… Trying humming while you work on a task, folding the laundry, washing dishes…maybe invite the kids to hum along to a some tune you all know.
4. Color- Color is vibration and frequency… hot colors, cool colors, solids, patterns. You can use color to shift your energy. You can play with color with your clothing, the walls of your home, makeup, the spaces you create, and with artwork of course. This is one of the reasons I love Aura Soma bottles so much! Love those colors! Those healing essences and vibrations.
On Harriet Genever’s website she says that according to Color Psychologist Angela Wright, there are four primary psychological colors, being red, blue, yellow and green. They each have an effect on the mind, the body, the soul, and a balance between the three, respectively. Every other color and its associated effect are just a combination of two or more of these primary colors. 
Red (Physical) – very stimulating and grounding but can also inspire fight or flight. 
Blue (Intellectual) – is calming, soothing, can increase focus, inspiration and intuition.
Yellow (Emotional) – is inspiring, energizing and radiates positivity.
Green (Balancing) – is harmonizing and helps when you are overwhelmed.
5. Nature- Observing nature, looking at the clouds, the patterns in a flower, watching and listening to a river or the ocean… White noise effects the brain wave levels which calms and clears the mind which can invite inspiration. There’s Delta (1-3 Hz), Theta (3.5-8 Hz), Alpha(8-13Hz ), Beta (12-32 Hz) & Gamma (32-100Hz). The sounds of water slow the brainwaves and relax the whole body and increase receptivity.
6. Movement- Exercise increases oxygen and circulation which can bring in new frequencies as well as invoke inspiration. Dancing, jogging, cycling, yoga, karate…Exercise also helps release negative energy which than create an empty space for something higher, lighter and more in alignment to fill that space.
7. Soaking- Baths, jacuzzi’s, soaking in hot water relaxes the muscles and also effects the brain waves in a positive way allowing for relaxation and receptivity which can invite inspiration.
8. Explore- Try something new! Getting out of your comfort zone and having new experiences can be very inspiring. There are many ways to explore…outdoors, indoors, externally, internally, virtually etc. When we open ourselves to new experiences we open ourselves to new perspectives which can be very inspiring.
9. Laughter- Comedy, nothing helps lift you up like laughter. Laughter is healing and definitely inspires…what can you do to laugh more today?
10. Film- Movies can inspire and uplift. They can take you to magical places, nurture your creativity and imagination. What kinds of movies inspire you most?
11. Art- Sometimes appreciating the work of the masters or modern day artists can be very inspirational. Perhaps making artwork yourself is what inspires you?
12. Meditation- Prayer is when we talk to the Divine…meditation is when we listen, quiet the mind, plug in and allow ourselves to be filled from the well of universal consciousness. Meditation invites more light and love into the temporary vehicle of our eternal self. 
13. Invocation- Invoking the Spirit of Inspiration, calling it forth or calling upon the angels of inspiration can assist in stoking the flames of inspiration.
14. Compassion- Witnessing acts of compassion can inspire within us the desire to also make a difference in the world.
15. Beauty- Appreciating, looking for and creating beauty can be very inspirational. Beautifying our homes, our bodies, our yard… creating a beautiful sanctuary for your Divine self to BE can be very inspiring and soothing.
16. Prayer- There are so many forms of prayer. Some people love to use mantra’s or chants to put them into altered states of consciousness which can invite inspiration.
17. Breathwork- The breath is sacred…it is what keeps us in our bodies. Some forms of breathwork flood the body with so much oxygen that they literally scientifically elevate ones level of consciousness…just one good breath work session can be life changing, provide clarity, direction and be very inspirational.
18. Learning- Learning can be very inspiring especially if you are learning about something you have always wanted to know more about. All of info and data what we collect combines with all that we already know which can take what we do in the world and in our work to the next level.
19. Love. Love is the most powerful thing in all creation. Cultivating love in all its forms within yourself and in your life can fill you with inspiration.